Learning moments from the past provided strength to the entrepreneur who converted them into his way to absolute Freedom in 2022.
The mirror image of his company logo worked symbolically.
In 2010 there was a long way to go until the uncompleted logo was finished. In 2022, the logo finally arrived in Torres Vedras- Lisbon- Portugal

“I am Belgian by Birth, Italian by Heart and Portuguese by Choice.



Leermomenten uit het verleden gaven kracht aan de ondernemer die deze omzette in zijn weg naar absolute Vrijheid in 2022.
Het spiegelbeeld van zijn bedrijfslogo werkte symbolisch.
In 2010 was er nog een lange weg te gaan voordat het onvoltooide logo klaar was. In 2022 arriveerde het logo eindelijk in Torres Vedras-Lissabon-Portugal

“Ik ben Belg van geboorte, Italiaans van hart en Portugees van keuze.



Momentos de aprendizado do passado deram força ao empreendedor que os converteu em seu caminho para a Liberdade absoluta em 2022.
A imagem espelhada do logotipo de sua empresa funcionou simbolicamente.
Em 2010 ainda havia um longo caminho a percorrer até que o logotipo incompleto fosse finalizado. Em 2022, o logotipo finalmente chegou a Torres Vedras- Lisboa- Portugal

“Sou belga de nascimento, italiana de coração e portuguesa por opção.

HM-ART1052- Entrepreneur in Turbulence- 2010

Artwork in four sections. The entrepreneur knows that his glasses and focus will always prevail, even after his passing away.

This painting continues to fascinate, even if the 4 sections change position or are turned around. The lines always will continue. The work is viewed counter clockwise.
The artist constantly communicates with the visitor through the eye in the center.


HM-ART1052- Zakenman in turbulentie- 2010

Kunstwerk in vier delen. De ondernemer weet dat zijn bril en focus altijd de overhand zullen hebben, ook na zijn overlijden.

Dit schilderij blijft fascineren, ook als de 4 delen van positie veranderen of omgedraaid worden. De lijnen gaan altijd door. Het werk wordt tegen de klok in bekeken.
De kunstenaar communiceert constant met de bezoeker door het oog in het midden.


HM-ART1052- Empresário em Turbulência- 2010

Obra em quatro partes. O empresário sabe que seus óculos e foco sempre prevalecerão, mesmo após sua morte.

Esta pintura continua a fascinar, mesmo quando as 4 partes mudam de posição ou são invertidas. As linhas sempre passam. O trabalho é visto no sentido anti-horário.
O artista se comunica constantemente com o visitante através do olho do meio.

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