HM-ART1509- CASUAL FREEDOM (oil on canvas 120x170cm)
The proud father – with his hands in his pockets – sees his daughter leave for a little trip into a world he and she no longer seem to understand. He remains with fear and hopes that she will return safe and sound. She – nonchalant as always – armed with her handbag and a bottle of Coke will probably keep her many experiences to herself the next morning.
De trotse vader, hier afgebeeld met zijn handen in de zakken, ziet zijn dochter vertrekken voor een klein uitstapje in een wereld die hij en zij niet meer lijken te begrijpen. Hij blijft achter met angst en hoopt dat ze veilig en wel zal terugkeren. Zij- nonchalant als altijd- gewapend met haar flashy handtas en een fles cola, zal haar vele ervaringen de volgende ochtend vermoedelijk wel voor zichzelf houden.
O pai orgulhoso, retratado aqui com as mãos nos bolsos, observa sua filha partir para uma pequena incursão em um mundo que ele e ela parecem não entender mais. Ele fica com medo e espera que ela volte sã e salva. Ela, casual como sempre, armada com sua bolsa chamativa e uma garrafa de Coca-Cola, provavelmente guardará suas muitas experiências para si mesma na manhã seguinte.
a perfect combination
“Let go of your fear- worrying is like paying a debt you don’t owe-” Mark Twain.