El "Ninho de Aguia" is an ART Gallery


The artist moves permanently to Portugal and finds peace and inspiration on a hillside in the rural area of Torres Vedras, located about 30 kilometers north of bustling Lisbon (Portugal).

Cyclop’s Eagle gazes from the top of his roof for movements in the depths of his valley and is thinking about all ways of uplifting his region Torres Vedras-Lisboa. He is looking out for cooperation from local entrepreneurs, politicians, cultural embassadors, artists,… 

In this place, numerous ways of artistic expressions and  artists from all over the world will be promoted as well as the portrait collection “the 196 Titans of this World”. 196 Portraits of our planets’ highest achievers from all walks of life will be invited personally and  painted. Their life lessons and their portraits will be worldwide exposed for decades to come.

This mansion will serve as a hotbed of inspiring ideas.

In time, business events and seminars with world-class mentors will be combined with wine-tasting events and cultural expositions.


De kunstenaar verhuist definitief naar Portugal en vindt rust en inspiratie op een heuvel in het landelijk gebied van Torres Vedras, zo’n 30 kilometer ten noorden van het bruisende Lissabon (Portugal).

Cyclop’s Eagle kijkt vanaf de bovenkant van zijn dak naar bewegingen in zijn vallei en denkt na over alle manieren om zijn regio Torres Vedras-Lisboa te verheffen. Hij zoekt de medewerking van lokale ondernemers, politici, culturele ambassadeurs, kunstenaars,…

Op deze plek zullen talloze manieren van artistieke uitingen en artiesten van over de hele wereld worden gepromoot, evenals de portretcollectie “de 196 Titans of this World“. 196 Portretten van de beste presteerders van onze planeet zullen persoonlijk worden uitgenodigd en geschilderd. Hun levenslessen en hun portretten zullen de komende decennia wereldwijd worden tentoongesteld.

Deze stek zal dienen als een broeinest van inspirerende ideeën.

Na verloop van tijd zullen zakelijke evenementen en seminars met mentoren van wereldklasse worden gecombineerd met wijnproeverijen en culturele exposities.

this art gallery is divided into different sections that symbolically expose the following values by means of different art objects:


* unlimited excellence through fighting spirit,

* flabbergasting passion,

* brutal authenticity,

* eternal friendships and connection,

* breaking out of own comfort zones

… serve as a Hotbed for inspiring ideas


A artista muda-se definitivamente para Portugal e encontra paz e inspiração numa encosta da zona rural de Torres Vedras, localizada a cerca de 30 quilómetros a norte da movimentada Lisboa.

A Águia olha do alto deste telhado para movimentos nas profundezas do seu vale e pensa em todas as formas de elevar Torres Vedras-Lisboa. Ele está procurando a cooperação de empresários locais, políticos, embaixadores culturais, artistas,…

Neste local, serão promovidas inúmeras formas de expressão artística e artistas de todo o mundo, bem como a coleção de retratos “os 196 Titãs deste Mundo”. 196 retratos dos maiores empreendedores de nossos planetas de todas as esferas da vida serão convidados pessoalmente e pintados. Suas lições de vida e seus retratos serão expostos mundialmente nas próximas décadas. Esta mansão servirá como ponto de encontro. 

Esta mansão servirá como um viveiro de ideias inspiradoras.

Com o tempo, eventos de negócios e seminários com mentores de classe mundial serão combinados com eventos de degustação de vinhos e exposições de arte.

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